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Who is watching us? Overidentification, performance and guilt

Cartell Qui ens mira?
Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

Recently, the writer María Sánchez shared online a quote from Jenny Odell, author of the essay Doing Nothing: «I am not an avatar, a set of preferences, nor a soft cognitive force; I am fleshy and porous.” We live in a complex age of nomadic digital identities that have been appropriated by platforms and their cognitive extractivism. The representation of oneself has been commodified, but also the affiliations and relationships that we generate. Economic productivity and semiotic performance have found in these ecosystems a legitimation of their own practice, turning our digital public life into an open trial and an uninterrupted casting -selection process-. In this context, what does it mean to disappear? And what implications does it have? How do categories like the neutral fit in here? Ingrid Guardiola will reflect on these questions and will later hold a dialogue with Marta Segarra and Victoria Szpunberg.

This conference, organized by the Universitat de Barcelona in collaboration with the Institut d'Humanitats de Barcelona, is the closing of the 2020-21 academic course of the CRIC.

On-site and online activity

On-site: Room 1 of the CCCB. Limited places. Pre-registration:

Online (live video of the conference):

Tuesday 11:00