Doctoral theses in progress

Sandra Aicart: Beyond the information given. Director: Àngels Viladomiu

Alicia Arévalo Gallego: Xenosonoridad. Hacia la construcción de futuridades queer e interspecie.Directores: Diego Marchante and Daniel López del Rincón

Ana Ayuso Nogueiras: Job AutoFiction: I representations in the context of cognitive work. Directors: María Ruido and Antonio Gómez Villar (UB)

Estefania Basanta: Design of an educational tool for adolescents at risk of social exclusion. Director: Raquel Pelta

Joana Blochtein Burd: Poetics of vibration: deployments of technology in contact with the body as affective memory. Director: Laura Baigorri

Javier Cebrián Alonso. Simbiosis: Character Artists. The new possibilities of digital composition for photographic portraiture. Director: Ricardo Guixà

Noemi Claveria Palegrín: Design Pedagogy for All in its section on cultural diversity . Director: Miquel Mallol and Raquel Pelta

Eulalia Clos Hernández: El rol del pensament de disseny en les metodologies d’aprenentatge a l’educació secundària. Directora: Raquel Pelta

Paola Margot de la Sotta Lazzerini: Of building and imagining: expressions of identity in the use of larch shingles in the Chiloé archipelago. Directors: Rosa Povedano and Dolores Tàpias

Ana de Quadras Ayuso: Delmiro’s legacy of Caralt and his contribution to amateur cinema. Directors: Albert Alcoz y Jacobo Sucari

Antònia del Río Ferrer: Reveal structures. Mechanisms for the construction and transmission of the connection in contemporary artistic practices. Directors: Montserrat López and Joana Masó

Carmen Estevan Estevan: Cómo abordar proyectos de diseño gráfico desde la sostenibilidad.  Directora: Raquel Pelta

Adrià Gamero Casillas: La imatge que esdevindrà. Teoria i pràctica al voltant de la imaginació, formació i ús de noves imatges en una societat saturada.  Director: Joaquín Cantalozella

Nuria García Campos:  Redefininiendo el Sujeto Digital.  Directores: Diego Marchante and Ana Urroz

Miquel García Membrano: Word turns. Assembly methodologies applied in collaborative artistic practices. Directors: María Ruido and Marta Negre

Pilar Górriz: The graphic design of textbooks, a proposal for a new model. Director: Raquel Pelta

Rafael Griera Padrosa: Paisatgisme per defect . Directors: Marta Negre and Óscar Padilla

Eki Irusta Araujo: Marikas y ratas. Lugares de resistencia, comunidad y subcultura LGTBIQA+ en Barcelona.  Director: Diego Marchante

Joaquín Jordán del Río: Image uses in the configuration of the urban cultural landscape. Representation of Memory and identity construction in La Marina Hospitalenca. Directora: Laura Baigorri

Joan Lalucat Vehils. The artist’s collapse: a look at the abyss. Director: Martí Perán. Tutor: María Ruido

Valeria Linera Rodríguez: Cuerpos colaborativos, una propuesta para abordar la violencia en el medio audiovisual. Directoras María Ruido and Tjasa Kancler

Grabiel Llinàs: Draw the limit. Architectural deviations from the existential space. Directors: Pedro Azara and Luis Bisbe

Raquel Luaces Fernández. Vigilance and presence after death. An artistic approximation to the use of online data after user death. Directors: Laura Baigorri and Montse Morcate

Julia Montilla Campillo: Fotografía, éxtasis y blasfemia (imágenes del aparicionismo en la segunda mitad del siglo XX en el Estado español). Montse Morcate and Maite Garvayo (Hª Arte UB)

Natalia Morales Rojas. Territorial ecosystems: transition spaces. Artistic interventions in the territory. Directors: Ramón Parramón and Manuel Delgado

Laia Moretó Alvarado: The discourse of women in seclusion in artistic manifestations. Directors: Mar Redondo and Antònia Vilà

Teresa Pera Hospital: Marges a la Pintura Contemporània.Director: Oscar Padilla

Job Perramon Ramos: Interstices between the word and the place (site-specific practices, the renunciation of an explicit theme in pursuit of a confusion in the world, in relation to one’s own praxis). Directors: Roc Parés and Albert Viñas

Romina Pezzia Proaño. Affecting architecture. Artistic practices for intervening inhabited spaces. Directores: Nuria Ricart and Massimo Cova

Marcel Pié Barba: The frame is blurred. The velocitat recreated in a sequence d’imatges-moviment. Directors: Lídia Gòrriz and Albert Alcoz

Mercedes Pimiento Moral: Social construction of the contemporary urban landscape. Directors: Eloi Puig and Jacobo Sucari

Mireia Plans: Art and photography for social inclusion and personal transformation. Directors: Montserrat Lòpez and Dolors Tàpias

Xavier Ristol: Mechanisms of circulation, distribution and dissemination in the field of contemporary artistic practices. Director: Joaquim Cantalozella

Álvaro Romero Molina: Políticas visuales queer. La práctica artística como desbordamiento entre documento y literatura. Directores: Diego Marchante and María Ruido

Alex Sánchez Vila. Visual communication by screen and color management. A stage in transition. Director: Oriol Moret Viñals

Daiana Sierra Camacho: Relatos supersticiosos como estrategia para la construcción de la realidad imaginada.  Directora: Marta Negre

Anna Solanilla Roselló: Transitting the body. The character and his design on the digital scene. Directora: Laura Baigorri

Pía Sommer Catalan: Visual and sound poetry. Graphical and audible migrations in Latin America and Europe. Directors: Eloi Puig and Martí Ruiz

Gerard Torres Sanmartí: Productive residuality: parallel processes in practice. Directors: Massimo Cova and Marta Negre

Laura Velasco Starch: Presence of the text in the installation of contemporary art. An analysis of forms of conceptual work and their achievement in contemporary narratives. Directors: Albert Valera

Maider Véliz Ramas: Relación simbiótica entre arte y videojuegos, cien años de convivencia. Estudio de caso: la influencia del arte ukiyo-e en la estética de los videojuegos japoneses de las últimas dos décadas para crear y realizar una biblia de arte para un nuevo videojuego inspirado en esta relación.  Directora Ana Urroz

Joan Villaplana Casaponsa: The negative way in contemporary artistic creation. Practical and theoretical research on apophatic aesthetics. Director: Jordi Morell