Aaron Pérez Haase aaronperez@ub.edu Home institution: Dept. de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals (secció Botànica i Micologia), UB Professional status: Professor lector Publications Projects
Basic data:
My prime research deals with the plant distribution patterns in bog and fen communities at both micro- and regional scales, in the Pyrenees. I have also worked in several floristic projects in the eastern Mediterranean area. Moreover, I contribute to the elaboration of vegetation maps.
Grup de Recerca de Geobotànica i Cartografia de la Vegetació
Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Biologia
Avinguda Diagonal, 643. 08028 Barcelona Tel.:934 021 476 - Fax: 934 112 842 jninot@ub.edu