GREECS coordinator. Associate professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad), Department of Sociology, knowledge area of Moral Philosophy, University of Barcelona. Research lines: Ethics and Political Philosophy; Political Economy, Democracy, Republicanism and Human Rights; Philosophy and Epistemology of the Social Sciences; Social Theory and Conceptual History; Social Cognition and Social Epidemiology.

Further information: ORCID; University of Barcelona

Featured publications

Mundó, J.; Albrecht, N.F.M.M.; Soza, S. (2021) (in press). Commons, property and privatization: philosophical underpinnings and the need of new perspectives in governing common-pool resources. In J. Chamberlain and A. Azmanova (eds.). Capitalism, Democracy, Socialism: Critical Debates. New York: Springer.

Mundó, J. (2020). Poder político fiduciario y soberanía popular. Libertad política, confianza y revolución en la filosofía política de Locke. Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía. 81, pp. 33-48. Doi: 10.6018/daimon.43208.1

Domènech-Abella, J.; Mundó, J.; Haro, J.M.; Rubio-Valera, M. (2019). Anxiety, depression, loneliness and social network among middle-aged and older people: longitudinal associations from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). Journal of Affective Disorders. Elsevier B.V. 246-March, pp. 82-88.

Mundó, J. (2015). Political freedom in Locke’s republicanism. In: Bosc, Y.; Dalisson, R.; Frétigné, J.; Hamel, C.; Lounissi, C. (dirs.), Cultures des republicanismes. Pratiques-Représentations-Concepts de la Révolution à aujourd’hui (Collection ‘L’Esprit de Lumières et la Révolution’). París: Édicions Kimé, pp. 103-117.

Mundó, J. (2006). Filosofía, ciencia social y cognición humana: de la folk psychology a la psicología evolucionaria. Papers. Revista de Sociologia. 80, pp. 257-281.