Title: Discovery of 1-(phenylsulfonyl)-1H-indole-based multifunctional ligands targeting cholinesterases and 5-HT 6 receptor with anti-aggregation properties against amyloid-beta and tau

Authors: Wichur, T.; Pasieka, A.; Godyń, J.; Panek, D.; Góral, I.; Latacz, G.; Honkisz-Orzechowska, E.; Bucki, A.; Siwek, A.; Głuch-Lutwin, M.; Knez, D.; Brazzolotto, X.; Gobec, S.; Kołaczkowski, M.; Sabate, R.; Malawska, B.; Więckowska, A.
Journal: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
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DOI: doi
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Year: 2021
Key: Article
