Title: Molecular enneanuclear CuII phosphates containing planar hexanuclear and trinuclear sub-units: syntheses, structures, and magnetism

Authors: Biswajit Santra; Pankaj Kalita; Shubhadeep Chandra; Debdeep Mandal ; Kumar, V.; Narayanan, R. S.; Dey, A.; Chrysochos, N.; Huch, V.; Biswas,S.; Ghoshal, D.; Sañudo, E. C.; Sarkar, B.; Schulzke, C.; Chandrasekhar, V.; Jana, A.
Journal: Dalton Transactions
Vol: 49
Start page: 2527
Last page: 2536
DOI: doi
Institutional repositories: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/169680
Year: 2020
Key: Article
