Published a new article from the group of Prof. Alberto Muñoz describing the role of vitamin D in the differentiation of the human colon epithelium

Nuevo artículo en el que participa el doctor Alberto Muñoz

Prof. Alberto Muñoz’s group, in collaboration with researchers from the National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), the University of Cantabria and the La Paz University Hospital, has published a new article in the journal “Cell Death & Disease” titled: Vitamin D opposes multilineage cell differentiation induced by Notch inhibition and BMP4 pathway activation in human colon organoids.

For the first time, the effect of vitamin D on the differentiation capacity of colonic epithelial cells towards their two main lineages: enterocytic and mucosecretory cells is defined. This work has been carried out on organoids, which are three-dimensional structures generated from stem cells of the colonic epithelium obtained from biopsies of patients with colon cancer, being, therefore, a cellular model that accurately reproduces the characteristics of the tissue. Through transcriptomic and ultrastructural analyses, the authors demonstrate that vitamin D inhibits differentiation regulated by the Notch and BMP pathways in colonic epithelial cells.

You can read the full article by accessing the following link.