Detall de tesis

Expansion of a Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor preclinical platform and its application in a high-throughput screening strategy to identify novel drug treatments

Tesis defensades | 13-03-2024

Em plau comunicar-vos la convocatòria de l’acte de defensa de la tesi doctoral titulada “Expansion of a Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor preclinical platform and its application in a high-throughput screening strategy to identify novel drug treatments” del Sr. EDGAR CREUS BACHILLER dels estudis de doctorat a l'EEES: Genètica.

Direcció: Dra. Conxi Lázaro Garcia i Dra. Juana Fernández Rodríguez
Tutora: Dra. Gemma Marfany Nadal

Dia: Dimecres, 13 de març de 2024
Hora: 11:00h
Lloc: Aula Magna – Edifici Margalef, Facultat de Biologia
