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“Quantitative proteomic approaches for the characterization of bacterial wilt resistance mechanisms in tomato Insights on the role of P69 subtilisin-like proteases in defense”

Notícia | 30-10-2020

Em plau comunicar-vos la convocatòria de l’acte de defensa de la tesi doctoral titulada “Quantitative proteomic approaches for the characterization of bacterial wilt resistance mechanisms in tomato Insights on the role of P69 subtilisin-like proteases in defense”, del Sr. MARC PLANAS MARQUES, dels estudis de doctorat EEES: Genètica.

Directors: Dr. Marc Valls i Matheu i Dra. Núria Sánchez Coll
Tutor: Dr. Marc Valls i Matheu

Dia: Divendres, 30 d'octubre de 2020
Hora: 10:00 h
Lloc: Aula de Graus – Aulari, Facultat de Biologia
