Other specific documentation related to the selection criteria M0Q04

  1. Academic transcript stating the average grade and the rating scale (1 to 10) proving to have taken at least three years and the first semester of the final year of degree*.
  2. Curriculum Vitae stating explicitly English skills and other activities, particularly those that are relevant to the academic, scientific and professional career. The language proficiency required in English is B2, TOEFL 90 iBT or IELTS 6.0.
  3. Candidates already admitted to a research group for the Final Master Project must send a letter of acceptance signed by the group responsible.
  4. Motivation letter (free format with a maximum of 400 words). It must include up to two options ("human genetics and genomics", "development and stem cells" and "evolutionary genetics and genomics") clearly specifying your first selection. 
  5. Reference letter (optional)