Doctoral Theses

Rules and regulations of the procedures related to the elaboration, defense and evaluation of the doctoral thesis [Document in Catalan]

  • Thesis project submission

    The admission of the research plan will be requested by 15 May. In addition to the documentation indicated by the regulations of the UB, the student will have to submit to the Academic Committee a memo with the title, objectives, methodology, initial bibliography and planned work plan (with express mention of whether to be done in full time or part time), signed by both the student and their thesis advisor/s. This memo can be presented in English, Spanish or Catalan.
  • Followup of the thesis project

    The necessary documents to monitor the research plan must be submitted to the Academic Committee by 15 May each year. In addition to the documentation indicated by the general UB regulations, the student will have to submit a memo to the Academic Committee. It will have to include the activities carried out by the student while developing their thesis, the results obtained so far, and the future development plan. This memo needs to be signed by both the student and their thesis advisor/s, and may be presented in English, Catalan or Spanish. The student will be able to attach work, work, etc. related to the doctoral thesis he has performed during the period.