Quality Committee

The center's Quality Committee was created on January 28th, 2010, with the mission  ordered by Faculty Board, of February 24th, 2010, of guaranteeing the monitoring and compliance with the points described in Quality the Policy and Objectives document  of the Faculty, as well as the continuous improvement of quality. The composition of the Quality Committee is governed by Art. 28.1 of the Faculty Regulations (Catalan version).

  • Dra. Gemma Alías (president), Quality Vice Dean.
  • Dra. Cristina Domènech, Head of Geology Degree Studies.
  • Dr. Galderic Lastras, Head Marine Sciences  Degree Studies.
  • Dr. Joaquim Farguell and Dr. Enrique Gómez-Rivas, coordinators of the Integral Water Science and Management Master.
  • Dra. Anna Martí, coordinator of the Geology and Reservoir Geophysics Master.
  • Dra. Neus Otero, coordinator of the Mineral Resources and Geological Hazards Master.
  • Sra. Eva Levshakova, Geology degree student.
  • Sr. Simón Campos Celada, head of the Students and Teaching Secretariat.
  • Sra. Nekane García (secretary), Quality technician of the Faculty.

The Quality Committee has the following functions:

  a. draw up and keep up-to-date the center's quality policy and objectives document,

  b. develop and review the center's internal quality assurance system (SAIQU),

  c. support and guarantee quality in all processes related to the quality of the training programs implemented, and

  d. inform about the processes to all groups of interest.
