Open registration for next year's University of Experience

The University of Experience offers a new training program: Law and Social state, for next year.
The University of Experience offers a new training program: Law and Social state, for next year.

People aged over fifty-five who wish to register in any of the fourteen training programs offered by the University of Experience (UdE) for next academic year -can make their pre-registration from June 3 to 7, online and in person, in the head offices of the Area of Further Learning of the UB. After the mentioned dates, the registration will be available from June 13 on, and it can be done online and in person but in each head office, during the specific dates and times mentioned in the registration calendar. There are fifty places for each course; in case there are more than fifty pre-registrations, places will be assigned by draw.

The University of Experience offers a new training program: Law and Social state, for next year.
The University of Experience offers a new training program: Law and Social state, for next year.

People aged over fifty-five who wish to register in any of the fourteen training programs offered by the University of Experience (UdE) for next academic year -can make their pre-registration from June 3 to 7, online and in person, in the head offices of the Area of Further Learning of the UB. After the mentioned dates, the registration will be available from June 13 on, and it can be done online and in person but in each head office, during the specific dates and times mentioned in the registration calendar. There are fifty places for each course; in case there are more than fifty pre-registrations, places will be assigned by draw.

Fourteen training programs

For the next academic year, the University of Experience will offer a new training program: Law and social state. With the analysis of specific cases and the study of concepts and fundamental problems, this program will get the students inside the field of law, legal rules and interpretation and application of law, as well as the concept of state and the features of social and democratic law state. Sessions will be practical: concepts will be worked on with a presentation, analysis and debate on the cases, that will answer questions such as “what is law about? How does it work? What identifies a social state?”. In some cases, the demand is so high that new groups are opened, such as in History, Society and Territory.

All programs in the University of Experience provide a high-level training in several fields of knowledge and most of them follow a mixed training model sharing the room with bachelor degree students in some courses. These programs do not require the students to have previous studies. The courses have a length of one or two academic years, and are taught by lecturers from the University of Barcelona.

Food and gastronomy
Course that offers an insight and cross-sectional view of the field of food and gastronomy with multi-disciplinary content in the different fields of food sciences.

Astronomy and meteorology
The course aims to share information on the Universe we live in and to provide the students with general but rigorous knowledge on meteorology.

Fine Arts
This course offers an introduction to the main artistic disciplines -drawing, painting, sculpture, engraving-, to provide with the basics to enter the practice of contemporary art.

Personal and social wellbeing
This course aims to develop skills to reach peopleʼs full wellbeing.

Libraries and archives in the digital era
An introduction to the history of the book, framed within the knowledge and use of archives and libraries, Internet and social networks.

Biology: man and biodiversity
This course gives a view of the evolutionary factors that shaped the current biodiversity.

Health sciences
A program offering a multidisciplinary perspective of the subject with a basic training on prevention and promotion of healthy habits.

DLaw and social state
With the analysis of specific cases and the study of concepts and fundamental problems, this program will bring the students closer to the field of law, legal rules, interpretation and application of law, as well as the concept of state and the features of social and democratic state.

Social economy
The program presents an approach to the world of social economy, social policies, welfare, evolution and future of pensions and other relevant topics such as the study of the labour market and senior work, analysis of social gerontology and family rights.

A course to understand the most relevant topics of our culture and think about them over philosophy and the most representative philosophers.

Història de lʼart
Dona a conèixer els fonaments bàsics de la història de lʼart que permetran a lʼalumnat llegir i contextualitzar una obra dʼart.

History, society and territory
It provides knowledge to understand the transformation of human societies over history, archaeology and geography.

Language and literature
The course offers a basic training on communication and language, as well as on classic, European, Spanish and Catalan literature.

This one shares the basic content of individual and social psychology and allows students to get closer to the main pathologies and disorders as well as their diagnostic and treatment.

The University of Experience is supported and sponsored by the Barcelona City Council and Agrupació Foundation, through the agreement that gets renewed every year.



Closing ceremony for the academic year 2018/2019

The closing ceremony for this year and the diploma ceremony will take place on June 27 in the Paranimph of the Historical Building at 12 noon. The ceremony will be presided over by the vice-rector of Equal Opportunities and Social Action, Maite Vilalta, and the head of the University of Experience, Susanna Vendrell. Also, a student of each program will give a speech to share their experience during their trainings.