The Brainlab spotted in Eurolife, the Network of European Universities in Life Sciences

Eurolife is a network of nine prestigious academic institutions across Europe that facilitates collaborative research, joint postgraduate training and education, the exchange of researchers and students and the building of joint research projects, in the areas of Immunology and Infection, Oncology, and Neurosciences. Eurolife dates back to 1999 and its Eurolife Collaboration Agreement entered into […]

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Music and neuroscience. Lenka Selinger and Raffaele Cacciaglia participate in an outreach activity in l’Auditori

Two of our lab members, Lenka Selinger and Raffaele Cacciaglia participate in a new outreach experience that combines neuroscience and music in l’Auditori: “L’experiència de la butaca. Convidats d’excepció” (The seat experience. Excepctional guests). On January 31st and on Febraury 14th, they will be interviewed to discuss about the experience of listening to a symphony […]

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