Santiago Redondo Illescas

Professor of Psychology and Criminology at the University of Barcelona, and a recognized expert in the fields of evaluation and treatment of offenders. He has been a visiting professor at several Spanish and foreign universities to teach courses and lectures on describing and explaining criminality, and on the treatment and rehabilitation of offenders. For more than two decades he was a technician and responsible of the penitentiary system, occupying positions of psychologist, head of prison rehabilitation services and director of training and research.
He has led or participated in more than thirty national and international research projects on crime and criminal justice assessment, criminal recidivism, juvenile delinquents, transition from juvenile to adult delinquency, sexual offenders, family abusers, treatment, etc. He has been a consultant in criminal policy in several Latin American countries, invited by international organizations such as the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, the Inter-American Bank Development, and the World Bank. He has also been scientific director, on behalf of various institutions, for the development of treatment programs (for young people, women, drug addicts, abusers, repeat offenders, and sexual).
He is the author of an integrative theory of crime called the Triple Crime Risk Model (TRD, published in 2008 and 2015), empirically validated from samples of juvenile delinquents, cyberbullying, sex offenders, traffic offenders and violent offenders. He has published many scientific articles, chapters of books and books. His most recent books are Principios de Criminología (Valencia, 1999, 2001, 2006, 2013), co-authored with Vicente Garrido; Manual para el tratamiento psicológico de los delincuentes (Madrid, 2008); In-tolerancia cero: un mundo con menos normas, controles y sanciones también sería posible (Barcelona, 2009); ¿Por qué víctima es femenino y agresor masculino? La violencia de pareja y las agresiones sexuales, in co-author with Enrique Echeburúa (Madrid, 2010), El origen de los delitos (Valencia, 2015), y Evaluación y tratamiento de delincuentes (Madrid, 2017).

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