Mirentxu Corcoy Bidasolo

Full Professor of Criminal Law in Barcelona University, Dr. Corcoy also holds the position of Chair of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences in this University. Between 1995 and 2007 she was a justice on Barcelona’s Provincial Court. Since 1991, she coordinates and participates in the Master Specialized in Criminal Law in Barcelona University and in Pompeu Fabra University. From 2013 she works also as advisor/consultant in the law firm, González Franco-Roxin Criminal Lawyers. Dr. Corcoy has been Director of Studies in Criminology of the University of Barcelona from 2001 and 2008, and she is currently a member of the Bioethics and Law Observatory. She is the author of numerous publications on criminal law and criminology, the most important of which is «Comentarios al Código Penal. Reforma LO 1/2015» (Ed. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia 2015), and she has delivered talks at different international encounters such as Human Rights and Democracy. International Meeting of UNESCO Chairs. University of Bergamo, March, 3-4 2011.

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