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A New Species of River Dolphin from Brazil or: How Little Do We Know Our Biodiversity

This discovery highlights the immensity of the deficit in our knowledge of Neotropical biodiversity, as well as vulnerability of biodiversity to anthropogenic actions in an increasingly threatened landscape. We anticipate that this study will provide an impetus for the taxonomic and conservation reanalysis of other taxa shared between the Araguaia and Amazon aquatic ecosystems, as well as stimulate historical biogeographical analyses of the two basins.

Citation: Hrbek T, da Silva VMF, Dutra N, Gravena W, Martin AR, et al. (2014) A New Species of River Dolphin from Brazil or: How Little Do We Know Our Biodiversity. PLoS ONE 9(1): e83623. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083623

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