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Castells, E.; Morante, M.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Sans, F.X.; Vilatersana, R.; Blasco-Moreno, A. Reduced seed predation after invasion supports enemy release in a broad biogeographical survey
Article: vol: 173 num: Pag: 1397-1409 Oecologia. . (2013)
Catalan, N.; Obrador, B.; Alomar, C.; Pretus, J.L. Seasonality and landscape factors drive Dissolved Organic Matter properties in Mediterranean ephemeral washes
Article: vol: 112 num: Pag: 261-274 Biogeochemistry. . (2013)
Catalan, N.; Obrador, B.; Felip, M.; Pretus, J.L. Higher reactivity of allochthonous vs. autochthonous DOC sources in a shallow lake
Article: vol: 75 num: Pag: 581-593 Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries. . (2013)
Cañestro, C.; Albalat, R.; Irmia, M.; Garcia-Fernandez, J. Impact of gene gains, losses and duplication modes on the origin and diversification of vertebrates
Article: vol: 24 num: Pag: 83-94 Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. . (2013)
Chiodin, M.; Børve, A.; Berezikov, E.; Ladurner, P.; Martinez, P.; Hejnol, A. Mesodermal gene expression in the acoel isodiametra pulchra indicates a low number of mesodermal cell types and the endomesodermal origin of the gonads
Article: vol: 8 num: 2 Pag: 1-15 PLoS One. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/124695. (2013)
Christel, I.; Certain, G.; Cama, A.; R. Vieites, D; Ferrer, X. Seabird aggregative patterns: a new tool for offshore wind energy risk assessment
Article: vol: 66 num: 1-2 Pag: 84-91 Marine Pollution Bulletin. . (2013)
Clusa, M.; Carreras, C.; Pascual, M.; Demetropoulos, A.; Margaritoulis, D.; Rees, A.F.; Hamza, A.A.; Khalil, M.; Aureggi, M.; Levy, Y.; Türkozan, O.; Marco, A.; Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. Mitochondrial DNA reveals Pleistocenic colonisation of the Mediterranean by loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta)
Article: vol: 439 num: Pag: 15-24 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. . (2013)
Codina, M.; Militão, T.; Moreno, J.; González-Solís, J. Plastic debris in Mediterranean seabirds
Article: vol: 77 num: Pag: 2020-2026 Marine Pollution Bulletin. . (2013)
Cutrona, M.B.; Beznoussenko, G.V.; Fusella, A.; Martella, O.; Moral, P.; Mironov, A.A. Silencing of Mammalian Sar1 Isoforms Reveals COPII-Independent Protein Sorting and Transport
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Dal Corso, J.; Roghi, G.; Ragazzi, E.; Angelini, I.; Giraetta, A.; Soriano, C.; Delclòs, X.; Jenkins, H.C. Physico-chemical analysis of Albian (Lower Cretaceous) amber from San Just (Spain): implications for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological studies.
Article: vol: 11 num: 3 Pag: 359-370 Geologica Acta. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/49189. (2013)
Del Campo, J.; Ruiz-Trillo, I. Environmental survey meta-analysis reveals hidden diversity among unicellular opisthokonts
Article: vol: 30 num: 4 Pag: 802-805 Molecular Biology and Evolution. . (2013)
Delgado, L.; Guerao, G.: San Vicente, C.; Ribera, C. Population structure and life history of Hemimysis lamornae mediterrane a (Malacostraca: Mysida) in the Ebro delta (NW Mediterranean)
Article: vol: 83 num: Pag: 137-145 Journal of Sea Research. . (2013)
Dolatyari, A.; Vallès, J.; Naghavi, M.R.; Fazeli, S.A.S. Karyological data of 47 accessions of 28 Artemisia (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) species from Iran, with first new reports for Iranian populations and first absolute counts in three species
Article: vol: 299 num: Pag: 1503-1518 Plant Systematics and Evolution. . (2013)
Engel, M.S.; Ortega-Blanco, J.; Soriano, C.; Grimaldi, D.; Delclòs, X. A New Lineage of Enigmatic Diaprioid Wasps in Cretaceous Amber (Hymenoptera: Diaprioidea)
Article: vol: 3771 num: Pag: 1-23 American Museum Novitates. . (2013)
Enriiquez-Urzelai, U.; Montori, A.; Llorente, G.A. Aridification, phenotypic plasticity and the fate of Mediterranean amphibians
Article: vol: 107 num: Pag: 27-29 FrogLog. . (2013)
Enriquez-Urzelai, U.; San Sebastián, O.; Garriga, N.; Llorente, G.A. Food availability determines the response to pond desiccation in anuran tadpoles
Article: vol: 173 num: Pag: 117-127 Oecologia. . (2013)
Erwin, P.M.; Pineda, M.C.; Webster, N.; Turon, X.; Lopez-Legentil, S. Small core communities and high variability in bacteria associated with the introduced ascidian Styela plicata
Article: vol: 59 num: 1 Pag: 35-46 Symbiosis. . (2013)
Farfán, M.; Spataro, N.; Sanglas, A.; Albarral, V.; Lorén, J.G.; Bosch, E.; Fusté, M.C. Draft genome 1 sequence of the aeromonas diversa type strain
Article: vol: 1 num: 3 Pag: e00330-13- Genome Announcements. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/57127. (2013)
Fernández-Brime, S.; Llimona, X.; Lutzoni, F.; Gaya, E. Phylogenetic study of Diploschistes (lichen-forming Ascomycota: Ostropales, Graphidaceae), based on morphological, chemical and molecular data
Article: vol: 62 num: 2 Pag: 267-280 Taxon. . (2013)
Fernández-Álvarez, A.; Feliu, C.; Miquel, J.; Torres, J.; Foronda, P. Helminth fauna of wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus in the Canary Islands, Spain
Article: vol: 50 num: 3 Pag: 155-160 Helminthologia. . (2013)
Ferré, A.; Ninot, J.M.; Batllori, E.; Carreras, J.; Carrillo, E.; Monje, X.; Vigo, J. From Vegetation mapping to a prediction for landscape evolution in the Catalan Pyrénées
Article: vol: XXIX num: Pag: 227-235 Colloques Phytosociologiques. . (2013)
Figuerola, B.; Ballesteros, M.; Avila, C. Description of a new species of Reteporella (Bryozoa: Phidoloporidae) from the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) and the possible functional morphology of avicularia
Article: vol: 94 num: 1 Pag: 66-73 Acta Zoologica. . (2013)
Figuerola, B.; Núñez-Pons, L.; Moles, J.; Avila, C. Feeding repellence in Antarctic bryozoans
Article: vol: 100 num: 11 Pag: 1069-1081 Naturwissenschaften. . (2013)
Figuerola, B.; Taboada, S.; Monleón-Getino, T.; Vázquez, J.; Avila, C. Cytotoxic activity of Antarctic benthic organisms against the common sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri
Article: vol: 1 num: 2 Pag: 3-9 Oceanography. . (2013)
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