One hundred years since the birth of Oriol de Bolòs i Capdevila: New exhibition at the CRAI Biology Library

The CRAI Biology Library commemorates the centenary of the birth of Oriol de Bolòs i Capdevila with an exhibition dedicated to him, who was an eminent botanist and professor of Phytography and Plant Ecology at the University of Barcelona.
The exhibition wants to be a tribute to the figure who, as pointed out by doctors Ramon Maria Masalles and Josep Maria Ninot, in the bibliographic comparison they wrote in 2018, created a colossal scientific work both for its magnitude and its balance and precision, and became a master and reference for Catalan botanists.
Expert in fields of geobotany such as floristics, phytocenology or vegetation mapping, in addition to teaching for more than forty years, he wrote numerous key works for the study of these disciplines, including: Flora manual of the Catalan Countries and Flora of the Catalan Countries, written in collaboration with Dr. Josep Vigo.
In this sense, the exhibition, which can be visited in the exhibition space at the entrance of the CRAI Library from March 18 to May 17, includes these and other works of his scientific production, as well as archival material from the Oriol de Bolòs and Capdevila Fund, kept at the CRAI Biology Library.