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Presentation of the report about

On 9 December, the Observatory of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity of Catalonia presented the report on the state of biodiversity in Catalonia 2020.

The data in this report indicate that in the last 20 years in Catalonia there has been a loss of biodiversity of 25% of the populations of native vertebrates and invertebrates, in species that live in rivers, lakes and wetlands is greater than 50%, 30% in agricultural environments and meadows and 10% in forests and scrub.

These losses are due to a socio-economic model that intensifies the collection of resources in certain areas and abandons others that had been used more sustainably. Added to this is climate change and the arrival of invasive alien species that are having an increasing impact on our biodiversity.

This report has been coordinated and prepared by CREAF, CTFC, ICM, ICO and the Department of Territory and Sustainability.

This report is a good starting point for integrated biodiversity management, several IRBio research groups have participated in the preparation of this paper.

Download info:http://observatorinatura.cat/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/estatgeneraldelabiodiversitatacatalunya-2020.pdf