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"Strategy Catalan Conservation Flora" (ECCF)

Thursday 12 June has been delivered to the Directorate General Environment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment (DAAM) of the Government of Catalonia document "Strategy Catalan Conservation Flora" (ECCF), the result of collaborative work of about 70 participants, coordinated by Caesar Blanche Department of Natural Products, plant Biology and Soil Science of the University of Barcelona and the Institute of Biodiversity Research (IRBio). Along with them, the writer and promoter group includes other botanists (the universities of Barcelona, ​​the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Lleida) DAAM own, the National Parks Service of the Province of Barcelona and professionals not affiliated no administration.
The development of the Strategy Catalan Conservation Flora DAAM was commissioned by the Catalan Institution of Natural History (ICHN), an organization that has tried to work out the most transversal and participatory as possible. The final document of 217 pages, plus appendices and additional documentation can be found on the website of the ICHN (http://ichn.iec.cat/eccf.htm). Both the organization of work and the final document follow the guidelines in all directions up straight Strategies for Conservation of Flora generic existing European and global levels, and as such, it takes time horizon of 2020.
Besides the aspects of the overall approach, the ECCF divided into five thematic sections: Understanding and documenting the diversity of flora Catalan, Preserve the diversity of flora Catalan, ensure sustainable use of the diversity of flora in Catalonia , promoting education and awareness of the diversity of flora and build capacity to conserve the diversity of flora. In each of these areas pose specific programs and actions, temporalitzats and valued economically.
Notably, next actions proposed force again (like writing conservation plans for endangered species, or the implementation of specific conservation studies) are actions that are already being collected carried out, for example in the management plans of protected areas, or as part of the activities of the research groups in botany. Therefore, the main strength of the proposed ECCF is proper planning, coordination and execution of these actions in the coming years. Within this proposal includes the creation of an Observatory for Conservation of Flora Catalonia.
Is expected to make a public presentation of the ECCF 2014-2020 at a ceremony that will take place after the summer.

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