
Authors Date Name of publication. Magazine. Number, pages ISSN
Moce-Llivina, L.; Lucena, F.; Jofre, J. 2004 Double-layer plaque assay for quantification of enteroviruses. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70(5),  2801-2805 0099-2240
Méndez, J.; Audicana, A.; Cáncer, M.; Isern, A.; Llaneza, J.; Moreno, B.; Navarro, M.; Tarancón, M.L.; Valero, F.; Ribas, F.; Jofre, J.; Lucena, F. 2004 Drinking water quality assessment using indicator bacteria and bacteriophages. Journal Of Water And Health, 2(3),  201-214 1477-8920
Lucena, F.; Duran, A.E.; Moron, A.; Calderon, E.; Campos, C.; Gantzer, C.; Skraber, S.; Jofre, J. 2004 Reduction of bacterial indicators and bacteriophages infecting faecal bacteria in primary and secondary wasterwater treatments. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 97,  1069-1076 1364-5072
Mendez, J.; Audicana, A.; Cancer, M.; Isern, A.; Llanez, J.; Moreno, B.; Navarro, M.; Sesma, B.; Tarancón, M.L.; Jofre, J.; Lucena, F. 2004 Desarrollo y validación de una metodología de concentración de bacteriófagos de bacterias entéricas en aguas de bebida. Tecnología del Agua, 244,  84-92 0211-8173
Mendez, J.; Audicana, A.; Isern, A.; Llanez, J.; Moreno, B.; Tarancón, M.L.; Jofre, J.; Lucena, F. 2004 Standardised evaluation of the performance of a simple membrane filtration-elution method to concentrate bacteriophages from drinking water. Journal of Virological Methods, 117(1),  19-25 0166-0934
García-Aljaro, C.; Muniesa, M.; Jofre, J.; Blanch, A. R. 2004 Prevalence of the stx2 gene in coliform populations from aquatic environments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70(6),  3535-3540 0099-2240
Brion, G.; Lingeriddy, s.; Neelakantan, T.R.; Wang, M.; Girones, R.; Lees, D.; Allard, A.; Vantarakis, A. 2004 Probing Norwalk-like viruses presence in shellfish with artificial Neural Networks. Water Science and Technology, 50(1),  125-129 0273-1223
Bofill-Mas, S.; Albinana-Giménez, N.; Pipkin, P. A.; Minor, P. D.; Girones, R. 2004 Isolation of SV40 from the environment of a colony of cynomolgus monkeys naturally infected with the virus. Virology, 330(1),  1-7 0042-6822
Walker, J.T.; Bradshaw, D.J.; Finney, M.; Fulford, M.R.; Frandsen, E.; Ostergaard, E.; ten Cate, J.M.; Moorer, W.R.; Schel, A.J.; Mavridou, A.; Kamma, J.J.; Mandilara, G.; Stösser, L.; Kneist, S.; Araujo, R.; Contreras, N.; Goroncy-Bermes, P.; O'Mullane, D.; Burke, F.; Forde, A.; O'Sullivan, M.; and Marsh, P.D. 2004 Microbiological evaluation of dental water systems in general dental practice in Europe. European Journal of Oral Sciences, 112(5),  412-418 0909-8836
Araujo, R.; Contreras, N. 2004 Microbiological contamination of dental unit water systems in general practices from Barcelona (Spain). Water Science and Technology, 4(2),  1-5 0273-1223