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Violence, Discourses and Representation


This course is meant to be a reflection from the perspective of feminism and gender studies on different aspects of contemporary violence, such as political violence, individual violence/violence on the subject and, more significantly, gender violence, and the theoretical discourses that analyze them. 

Once this theoretical framework is understood, there will be an analysis of literary works in which the portrayal of violence is relevant, such as crime fiction and fiction on urban violence.


Course: Violence, Discourses and Representation
Code: 569572
Lenght: 19/09/2023 - 05/12/2023
Credits: 6
More info:

What Do We Study

Essays written by authors such as Hannah Arendt, Johan Galtung, Slavoj Žižek, Rita Segato, Byung Chul Han, Judith Butler or Adriana Cavarero, among others. The works of fiction suggested for the study of literary representations of violence change each year. They are pieces of crime fiction or urban violence, either short stories or novels, written by authors such as Marta Sanz, Cristina Fallarás, Rubem, Fonseca, Patricia Melo or Ana Paula Maia.

Which is the Line of Thought

The theoretical approach/framework of the course are studies on violence from historical, sociologic, and philosophic perspectives.

Theoretical and Practical Approaches

(The following texts will be discussed in class. Students should read a minimum of one text in its entirety and a selection of the others, which will be available on the Campus Virtual in advance in order to ensure its reading before the lectures in which they will be discussed)


Agra Romero, Mª Xosé. “Con armas, como armas: la violencia de las mujeres”, Isegoría. Revista de Filosofía Moral y Política, January-June 2012, no. 46, pp. 49-74.

Arendt, Hannah. Sobre la violència. Edited by Fina Birulés. Translated by Àngela Lorena Fuster and Gerard Rosich, Angle Editorial, 2011.

Cavarero, Adriana. Horrorismo. Nombrando la violencia contemporánea. Anthropos-UNAM, 2009.

Han, Byung-Chul. Topología de la violencia. Herder, 2016.

Martín Lucas, Belén, ed. Violencias (in)visibles. Intervenciones feministas frente a la violencia patriarcal. Icaria (Mujeres y Culturas), 2010.

Molas Font, Maria Dolors, ed. Violencia deliberada. Las raíces de la violencia patriarcal. Prologue by Fina Birulés, Icaria (Mujeres y Culturas), 2007.

Segato, Rita Laura. La guerra contra las mujeres. Traficantes de sueños. Mapas, 2016.

Sorel, Georges. Reflexiones sobre la violencia. Preface by Isaiah Berlin, Alianza Editorial, 2005.

Valcárcel, Amelia. Sexo y filosofía. Sobre “mujer” y “poder”. 1991. Horas y horas, 2013.

Zizek, Slavoj. Sobre la violencia: seis reflexiones marginales. Paidós, 2009.