migrations and racial capitalism

Areas of research

Migrations and Racial Capitalism

Like racism, contemporary migratory movements are intimately linked to the capitalist system. For this reason, we propose to study any phenomenon related to migration and so-called racial capitalism in an integral and related way. In particular, we are interested in studies, debates and research on borders, bordering, nationalisms, structural and institutional racism, migratory movements and their settlement, social conflicts linked to it, and, in general, all the ways in which racism is intertwined with capitalism and the role that the State and the Academy occupies in its (re)production.


The members who form this line of research are
Martin Lundsteen; Susana Narotzky; Natalia Buier; Seth Holmes; Doris Buu-Sao; Giacomo Loperfido; Paul Sperneac-Wolfer; Fernanda Sciessere;