Preparation of Anisotropic Multiscale Micro-Hydrogels Via Two-Photon Continuous Flow Lithography

Categories: Notícies

This collaborative work between the LASER- Micro and Nanotechnology and Nanoscopies for Electronic and Electrophotonic Devices and the Laboratory of Nanotechnology for precision medicine at IIT shows how two-photon polymerization in microfluidic channels is a suitable technique for the continued fabrication of anisotropic micro-particles in the sub-10 µm range. The proposed approach could support the fabrication of micro-hydrogels of well-defined morphology, stiffness, and surface properties for the sustained release of therapeutic agents for drug delivery applications.”

Preparation of anisotropic multiscale micro-hydrogels via two-photon continuous flow lithography. Manghnani P.N., Di Francesco V., Panella La Capria C., Schlich M., Miali M.E., Moore T.L., Zunino A., Duocastella M., Decuzzi PJournal of Colloid and Interface Science. Volume 608, Part 1, 15 February 2022, Pages 622-633
