L’activitat investigadora del grup es centra en tres línies de recerca. El primer està desenvolupant nous mètodes òptics per a enginyeria de llum tridimensional, amb aplicacions en ciència de materials, detecció i biologia.
La segona línia principal de recerca és la impressió làser de tintes amb especial interès en aplicacions electròniques. Hem demostrat la viabilitat de la transferència directa induïda per làser (LIFT) per a impressors de sensors i dispositius de RF amb tintes de serigrafia.
L’última línia d’investigació està dedicada a les teràpies fototèrmiques. El seu objectiu principal és desenvolupar noves estratègies per tractar tumors i infeccions combinant llum làser i nanomaterials intel·ligents
Pere Serra Coromina (Catedràtic) pserra(at)ub.edu
Martí Duocastella Solà (Catedràtic – ERC Consolidator Grant website: www.ub.edu/dlight) marti.duocastella(at)ub.edu
Juan Marcos Fernández Pradas (Agregat) jmfernandez(at)ub.edu
Laura Rodríguez Suñé (Investigadora Postdoctoral)
Ernest Martí Jerez (Investigador Predoctoral)
Narcís Vilar Solé (Investigador Predoctoral)
Substrate Reshaping for Optically Tuned Liquid-Printed Microlenses Beyond Their Wetting Properties. Martí Jerez E.; Fernández Pradas J.M.; Serra P.; Duocastella M. 2023, Advanced Materials Technologies, 8, 19, 2300564. Doi: 10.1002/admt.202300564
Enhanced light focusing inside scattering media with shaped ultrasound. Mestre-Torà B.; Duocastella M. 2023, Scientific Reports, 13, 1, 11511. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-38598-5
Video-rate quantitative phase imaging with dynamic acousto-optic defocusing. Alexandropoulos C.; Duocastella M. 2023, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 169, 107692. Doi: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2023.107692
Rapid quantification of 3D ultrasound fields with wavefront sensing and Schlieren tomography. Colom M.; Ricci P.; Duocastella M. 2023, Ultrasonics, 135, 107115. Doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2023.107115
Preparation of anisotropic multiscale micro-hydrogels via two-photon continuous flow lithography. Manghnani P.N., Di Francesco V., Panella La Capria C., Schlich M., Miali M.E., Moore T.L., Zunino A., Duocastella M., Decuzzi P. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 608, 622, 633, 2022
Optical system for the measurement of the surface topography of additively manufactured parts. Vilar N., Artigas R., Bermudez C., Thompson A., Newton L., Leach R., Duocastella M., Carles G. Measurement Science and Technology, 33, 10, 104001, 2022
Preparation of anisotropic multiscale micro-hydrogels via two-photon continuous flow lithography. Manghnani P.N., Di Francesco V., Panella La Capria C., Schlich M., Miali M.E., Moore T.L., Zunino A., Duocastella M., Decuzzi P. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 608, 622, 633, 2022
Optical system for the measurement of the surface topography of additively manufactured parts. Vilar N., Artigas R., Bermudez C., Thompson A., Newton L., Leach R., Duocastella M., Carles G. Measurement Science and Technology, 33, 10, 104001, 2022
Multiplane Encoded Light-Sheet Microscopy for Enhanced 3D Imaging. Zunino A., Garzella F., Trianni A., Saggau P., Bianchini P., Diaspro A., Duocastella M. ACS Photonics. 2021, 8, 11
The Combined Use of Gold Nanoparticles and Infrared Radiation Enables Cytosolic Protein Delivery. Garcia J., Fernández-Pradas J.M., Lladó A., Serra P., Zalvidea D., Kogan M.J., Giralt E., Sánchez-Navarro M. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2021, 27, 14
Variable optical elements for fast focus control. Kang S.Y., Duocastella M., Arnold C.B. Nature Photonics. 2020, 14(9)
Volumetric Lissajous confocal microscopy with tunable spatiotemporal resolution. Deguchi T., Bianchini P., Palazzolo G., Oneto M., Diaspro A., Duocastella M. Biomedical Optics Express. 2020, 11, 6293
Laser-Induced Forward Transfer: A Digital Approach for Printing Devices on Regular Paper. Sopeña P., Sieiro J., Fernández-Pradas J.M., López-Villegas J.M., Serra P. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2020, 5, 2000080.
Laser-induced forward transfer of conductive screen-printing inks. Sopeña P., Fernández-Pradas J.M., Serra P. Applied Surface Science. 2020, 507.
Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles with Efficient Near-Infrared Photothermal Effect at the Second Biological Window. Busquets, M.A., Fernández, J.M., Serra, P., Estelrich, J. Molecules 2020, 25(22).
With Ajut a la Recerca Transversal (ART) Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Call 2019 financial support.
ICREA ACADEMIA 2022. IP: Marti Duocastella Solà. Generalitat de Catalunya (2023-2027).
Technology for real-time visualizing and modelling of fundamental process in living organoids towards new insights into organ-specific health, disease, and recovery (OrganVision). FET OPEN, 964800. UB IP: Martí Duocastella (2021-2025)
Ultrasonic Endoscopes for DEEP Light Focusing (DEEP). ERC Consolidator Grant (ERC-2020-COG), 101002460. IP: Martí Duocastella
Superar los límites de la fabricación láser con materiales reconfigurables. PID2020-112669GB-I00. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. IP1: Juan Marcos Fernandez Pradas/IP2:
Marti Duocastella Solà. 2021-2024
Impresión con láser para aplicaciones de electrónica basada en papel. TEC2017-83301-P. Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. IP: Pere Serra Coromina. 2018-2020
Research Center: Naval Research Laboratory
Group leader: A. Piqué
City: Washington DC (USA)
Research Center: Univeristé Aix-Marseille/CNRS
Group leader: P. Delaporte
City: Marsella (France)
Research Center: Princeton University
Group leader: C.B. Arnold
City: Princeton (USA)
Research Center: Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Group leader: Alberto Diaspro
City: Genoa (Italy)