SDG 3: Good health and well-being

To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Check this SDG on the UN website

OSSMA activities that contribute to this SDG:

Company Solidarity Programme.
AECC April Healthy Council.

19 June 2023 at 10:30 a.m. Filmoteca de Catalunya, The Official Master's Degree in Specialised Communication of the UB presents the documentaries and round table on mental health and the impact of the digital environment on the construction of personal identity.

It is a proposal of the Catalan Youth Agency that organises summer camps for boys, girls and young people from 5 to 16 years old who want to learn and have fun.
Registration: From 12 April at 12 noon. No drawing of lots for places. Direct booking.

Healthy Week from 17 to 22 April.

Company Solidarity Programme.
Consell saludable del mes de maig de l'AECC.

Ergonomics Council of the UB calendar for the month of May. Position the monitor so that the top is at eye level and at arm's length.
Do not neglect to regulate the size of the characters to make them easily visible.

From OSSMA, we provide you with the updated links related to the epidemic outbreak of Coronavirus