
REPSOL: "CSF Exploration and Production Master"

Notícia | 10-02-2015

Selected candidates will enjoy an extensive training program prior to the incorporation to the workplace.

- Master's program length: From September 1st 2015 to mid-August 2016.
- Number of hours: 1.500 teaching hours plus self-studying.
- Place: Móstoles (Madrid) and Edinburg (Scotland)
- Courses' Headquarters: Centro Superior de Formación Repsol / Repsol Training Center
- Schedule: From 9:00h to 18:00h, plus self-studying

- A two-year training contract.
- Assignment to workplace and country after finishing the Master's program.
- Become a permanent employee once the whole program is finished. This depends on
Company's needs and is directly related to the performance achieved both in the Master's and
in your workplace.

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TERMINI sol·licituds: fins el 20 de març del 2015