
Conferència: Developing Phase Interaction Models to Apply Noble Gases to the Problem of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration

Notícia | 12-12-2006

Organitzat conjuntament CSIC-UB
Dr. CHris Ballentine, University of Manchester, Anglaterra
Dimarts, 12 de desembre de 2006, Sala de Juntes de la Facultat de Geologia a les 12.30h

Comentaris: Within the framework of simple hydrodynamic models and phase interactions, Key quantitative information can be gained from noble gases about deep fluid systems. Examples include the volume and age of groundwater systems, the origin of different fluids, and the extent and the rekative timing of phase interactions. This is exactly the information required to ensure safe geological disposal of antrophologic CO2.
Recent work on coalbed methane systems, a proposed target for CO2 injection, highlights the inportance of considering the effect of both dynamic systems and non-groundwater of atmosphere-derived noble gases in constructing a quantitative fluid interection model.
New data from four CO2 - dominated natural gas fields provides an important natural analogue for understanding the detailed subsurface bahavior of CO2. These fields are associated with the volcanism related tothe Colorado Uplift, USA (Bravo Dome, NM; St. John's Dome, AZ; Sheep Mountain, CO; McElmo, CO). CO2/3HE ratios indicate the origin of the CO2 to be dominantly magmatic and providence CO2 resindence information.
