
Conferència: Porewater extraction and determination of species-specific transport properties in claystones using the technique of advective displacement and rock core infiltration.

Notícia | 27-10-2006

Dr. Urs Mäder
Lloc: Sala d'actes de l'Institut Jaume Almera, a les 12h.

An experimental technique to perform forced advection through rock core samples under a hydraulic confining pressure was refined in order to be applied to claystones (and other rocks), and augmented to perform in-line electrode measurements and on-line cation/anion analysis by ion-chromatography. The method was applied to Opalinus Clay (Mont Terri Lab) and Callovo-Oxfordian claystone of the Paris Basin (Bure area) to extract little-disturbed samples of porewater, and also to determine some species-specific transport properties (diffusion coefficients). The talk will focus on the technique and the results from the claystone studies. Other applications included the study and modelling of the interaction of high-pH fluids with claystone, granitic shear zones, and tuff.
