
Curs: Environmental isotopes applied to groundwater pollution studies

Notícia | 16-04-2007

Organitzat conjuntament CSIC-UB
Sala d'Actes, Institut de Ciències de la Terra "Jaume Almera" CSIC, a les 9.30h. de dilluns a dijous.
Conferenciants, Dr. Ramón Avena i Dr. Daniel Hunkeler

Comentaris: Ground water quality studies focus on understanding where contaminants como from and the transformations that they may experience in the subsurface geochemical environments. This course deals with the application of environmental isotopes, 13C, 2H, 37Cl, 15N, 18O and 34S, to trece the origin of contaminants and the attenuation processes that take place in the aquifer.The topics comprise groundwater pollution from agricultural sources (nitrate), industrial activities (LNAPLs, DNAPLs, landfill leachates and gases) as well as urban activities.
Environmental isotepe mwthods are supported with a large variety of case studies that integrate isotope and geochemical data sets within the context of the ground water regime to highlight the objectives, approach and interpretation of the method. Invited lectures of Spaish researchers and a field trip to a chlorinated compounds polluted site are included in the course.
