Curs "Workshop: TDEFNODE" organitzat pel dept. de Geodinàmica i Geofísica
Notícia | 18-11-2013
Profeessors: Rob McCaffrey; Giorgi Khazaradze
Data: 18 i 19 de novembre de 2013
Hora: 17:00 h.
Aula: dia 18, aula 22; dia 19 aula S1
Adreçat a:Estudiants de 3r cicle i màsters
In this module we will learn to use a TDEFNODE software developed by Rob McCaffrey and used to model tectonic and geologic block motions, fault locking, strain rates, transient signals due to earthquakes or volcanoes. Basic knowledge of Linux OS is required and notions of the GMT mapping software would be useful.
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