baner clinical psychology

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La Marató 2021 endorses UB research projects on mental health

News in brief | 05-11-2022

In 2021, La Marató de TV3 i Catalunya Ràdio was dedicated to mental health in order to raise public awareness of disorders with many stigmas.


List of La Marató 2021 awarded projects linked to the department


"New therapeutic targets in depression: the role of situational perception"

David Gallardo, Faculty of Psychology and Institute of Neurosciences of the UB (UBNeuro); Marta Subirà, Parc Taulí Foundation; Miquel Domènech, Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Funding: €399,787.50


"Improving the treatment of childhood anorexia through exposure to the body with virtual reality"

José Gutiérrez, Faculty of Psychology

Funding: €192,187.50


"Study of the accelerated ageing hypothesis in schizophrenia: analysis of the epigenetic clock in advanced age: ENCLOSE-Age study (EpigeNetic CLOck in SchizophrEnia- inAged adults)"

Rafael Penadés, Faculty of Psychology, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and Clinic Foundation for Biomedical Research; Bárbara Segura, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Funding: €137,447.31





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