
degree geography


El Degree of Geography UB aims to provide a solid training, which provides basic knowledge of geography, as well as analysis techniques necessary for the work of a geographer.

  • Dotar d’habilitat per a la inserció laboral, i de competències per dur a terme estudis d’especialització.
  • Provide tools for the analysis of space as a product of the relationship between the physical environment and human activity.
  • To train in the analysis and the synthesis of information, and to stimulate the reflection and the critic.
  • Provide a good knowledge of the territory and the tools that enable knowledge.
  • Provide the geographer with a contribution to the debates in which the relations between society and the physical environment are considered or in which the identification of spatial diversity is relevant.
  • Train to make decisions, resolve conflicts and generate agreements. Stimulate critical reasoning, motivation for quality and ethical commitment.

El professorat del departament participa també en la docència dels Graus de:
