
Company placements are training activities that take place in companies or institutions. They contribute to the acquisition of competences that prepare university students for professional practice. Company placements may be:

  • Curricular: optional subjects included in the course curriculum.
  • Non-curricular: academic activities not included in the course curriculum, but may feature in the European Diploma Supplement according to current regulations.


Placements are completed throughout the academic year with a previous agreement on the contents and training project.

The length of curricular placements may vary according to each course curriculum. Non-curricular placements may last up to 750 hours per academic year.

Students are assigned a tutor at the Faculty and a tutor at the company, who must collaborate during the students' placements.

Due to their nature of training activities, placements must not result in obligations linked to labour relations.

Students are protected by an academic or voluntary insurance, depending on their age, as well as third-party damages. Compulsory insurance policies are included in students' enrolment, whereas voluntary insurance policies are students' responsability.
