
Three students of the bachelor degree in Social Education of the University of Barcelona are distinguished for their academic excellence

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For the second year, the event Celebrem i captem talent, of the Association of Social Educators of Catalonia (CEESC), focuses on the new talent coming from the bachelor degrees in Social Education in the Catalan universities. Three students of the University of Barcelona –Aisha El Mhassani, Elia Rubio and Myriam Reyes- were given a diploma and a one-year free admission as scholars at the CEESC as a recognition for the best EHEA bachelor’s degree final project, for the two first ones, and for the best academic record, for the third awardee.

According to Joan Muntané, social educator, lecturer and member of the CEESC Governing Board, “the event also calls professionals with a long career and teaching staff leading the studies in Social Education, aiming to ease the contact and synergies between the agents of the job and the discipline. This tries to articulate a meeting with the most recent past, the present and the future, to meet and show the Catalan university students with best qualifications and the authors of the bachelor degree final projects with the highest marks”.

Twenty-five years of Social Education studies and twenty years of CEESC

The degree on Social Education was created twenty-five years ago, and CEESC was created twenty years ago. Aiming to think about the evolution of the profession over the years and analysing where it is now, last year the Governing Board of CEESC presented theInforme de l’estat de l’Educació Social a Catalunya (report on the status of Social Education in Catalonia), #InformeES. Among other things, the study emphasizes the data that make reference to the employment rate: a 70% of the graduate students find a job but only half of them work as professionals of their field.

Regarding the quality of the studies of Social Education, Muntané says that “it is necessary to consolidate the degree and assess the first promotions to see if they end the studies prepared enough”. “What we do know –says the expert- is that the bachelor studies of different universities have approached the experiences, practices and professional realities, and this made the students become more skilled, although given the multiple fields of action and social realities, it is always necessary to revise these plans and update them for the training and continuous retraining”.

Facing challenges such as multiculturalism, consequences of the economic crisis or the new types of family, Muntané says social educators should “join school staff and integrate in the education project in the centers and faculties to create new debates and possibilities within the educational teams”.
