University of Barcelona


Career opportunities

The bachelor's degree in Catalan is the natural entrance to a range of specializations with sustained demand in the labour market:

  • Teaching Catalan language and literature in compulsory secondary education (ESO) and upper secondary school education.
  • Publishing (Review and assessment of originals, etc.).
  • Teaching Catalan as a second language and as a foreign language for adults.
  • Language consultancy in audiovisual, spoken and written media, in language services and companies in the legal sector.
  • Language promotion and language support.
  • Lexicography, onomastics and terminology.
  • Literary heritage management.
  • Coordination of language, interculturalism and social cohesion.
  • Consultancy in the field and discourse analysis and spoken and written communication.


Graduates from the degree in Catalan are also valued in areas such as cultural industries, public administration, translation and language technologies.
