
15/11 Conferència "Views of Aging and their Relation to Mental and physical health of Older Adults"

Notícia | 03-11-2022




Dimarts 15 de novembre, 12.30, Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Psicologia tindrà lloc la conferencia titulada “Views of Aging and their Relation to Mental and physical health of Older Adults” a càrrec del professor Ehud Bodner.

El Dr Bodner és Visiting Professor al The Event Lab i és professor al Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Music Department de la Bar-Ilan University.


A continuació, trobareu un resum de la seva presentació:

Abstract: Views of aging (VoA) are a concept depicting the way people perceive older adults and aging and foresee or experience their personal aging. Personal VoA refer to how old people feel they are (adults report feeling younger their chronological age) termed as subjective age. Personal VoA also include self-perceptions of aging, referring to people’s views about negative and positive aspects of their own aging, and to their awareness of age-related changes, reflecting their negative and positive views on the inevitable changes related to the progression in their chronological age. Moreover, being aware that the increase in their chronological age will lead to the inevitable outcome of their demise, people also have a subjective sense of their nearness to death, and existential fears in the form of aging and death anxieties. People also hold general beliefs about what aging is and what older adults are like. These include general societal age stereotypes about aging and about older adults as a social group, defined by their chronological age (ageist attitudes). The presentation will discuss how these concepts are being measured and review studies which aimed to demonstrate the ability of these subjective measures to predict mental and physical health of older adults; some of which were conducted during the outburst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
