
Dipòsit de Tesi Doctoral del Sr. Fernando Moreno Montero: "Beyond the American Dream: Testing the alleged system-justifying effect of both making social boundaries look permeable and those who advocate changes look like a threat (Towards a Model of Class Struggle)"

Tesis | 04-01-2023

Doctorand: Sr. Fernando Moreno Montero

Títol de la Tesi Doctoral: "Beyond the American Dream: Testing the alleged system-justifying effect of both making social boundaries look permeable and those who advocate changes look like a threat (Towards a Model of Class Struggle)"

Director: Dr. Francisco José Eiroa Orosa

Programa de Doctorat: Cervell, Cognició i ¨Conducta

Departament de Psicologia Clínica i Psicobiologia

Data Fi de Dìpòsit: 11 de gener de 2023
