Carmen Revilla Guzmán

Full Professor at the University of Barcelona

Carmen Revilla Guzmán is full Professor at the University of Barcelona, where she has directed the International Seminar María Zambrano and the journal Aurora. Papeles del “Seminario María Zambrano” since their creation. Her lines of research focus on contemporary thought (especially on the phenomenological-hermeneutic current) and on the work of some 20th century philosophers (Simone Weil, Jeanne Hersch, Edith Stein, María Zambrano).

Among her publications, the books on Simone Weil stand out: Descifrar el silencio del mundo (Trotta, 1995), Nombrar la experiencia (Trotta, 2003), Vida de S. Weil (Eila, 2011), as well as the translation of the Reflexiones sobre las causas de la libertad y de la opresión social (ed. Trotta) and, among others, the collaborations at: E. Bea (ed.), S. Weil. La conciencia del dolor y la belleza , Trotta 2010 (chapter: “A la luz de lo sagrado. Experiencia religiosa y compromiso político”); F. Birulés and R. Rius (eds.), Lectoras de Simone Weil, Icaria, 2013 (chapter: “Sobre el ‘gesto filosófico’ de Jeanne Hersch y Simone Weil”).

On Zambrano: Claves de la razón poética (Trotta, 1998), Entre el alba y la aurora (Icaria, 2005), La palabra liberada del lenguaje. M. Zambrano y el pensamiento contemporáneo (Bellaterra, 2013), L’horizon de la pensée poétique de María Zambrano (L’Harmattan, 2015) and numerous collaborations in collective volumes and journals.