Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme
The Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme has offered young researchers from outside the EU the opportunity to carry out part of their research for a period of one to three months at a Coimbra Group University since 1999. Initially established to assist scholars from Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, the programme has since widened its geographical scope to include young researchers from Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and the wider European neighbourhood.
The University of Barcelona has taken part of the Scholarship Programme since 2007, hosting grantees from the different geographical areas. In the 2022 edition our participation will be focused on Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America as it follows:
Scholarship Programme for Young African Researchers
The main aim of this scholarship programme is to enable scholars to undertake research in which they are engaged in their home institution and to help them to establish academic and research contacts.
What the University of Barcelona offers:
- Number of Grants: 1
- Duration period: 1 - 3 months
- Amount available: 1.500€ per month (to cover accommodation and living expenses).
- The University does not fund the travel costs.
- The University does not provide insurance for visitors.
What the University of Barcelona demands:
- Eligible countries: All (all African countries except Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia -applicants from these countries are eligible under the Scholarship Programme for Young Researchers from the European Neighbourhood-)
- Academic Offer
- Eligible period: the academic year 2025/2026 (from 15/09/2025 to 15/07/2026). The dates of the stay will be agreed with the supervisor at the University of Barcelona.
Eligibility Criteria: Applicants should be:
- Be born on or after 01-01-1980.
- Be nationals of and current residents in Sub-Saharan Africa eligible country.
- Be current staff members of a university or an equivalent higher education institution in Sub-Saharan Africa eligible country.
- Be preferably of doctoral/postdoctoral or equivalent status.
- Be in possession of an acceptance letter/email from the tutor/supervisor with whom the work programme will be undertaken in the host institution. This document is mandatory.
- Use the Coimbra Group Office electronic application process.
- Apply for one university only. Multiple applications will not be considered valid.
- Submit all information in English only.
- Female candidates are encouraged to apply and will be prioritised.
- Applicants who could benefit from the scholarship for the first time will be prioritised.
- The research project proposal should be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda and the expected results lead to further academic actions between home and host institutions.
- Applicants (preferably doctoral students, postdoctoral or junior researchers) should establish contact with a supervising professor at the university, according to the academic offer, in order to obtain the invitation letter.
- The Office of Mobility and International Programmes cannot issue invitation letters for research purposes.
- For additional information, the programme contact person is Ms. Marta Arias (marta.arias@ub.edu).
Application Procedure:
Online application form: https://www.coimbra-group.eu/scholarships/sub-saharan-africa/ (pay attention to the Important information for applicants' section).
Applicants must fill in the on-line application form before the deadline.
Applications should be submitted in English.
Scholarship Programme for Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities
The programme offers grants to finance short-term research visits, aims at favouring mobility and academic exchange between the two regions, Europe and Latin America.
What the University of Barcelona offers:
- Number of Grants: 1
- Duration period: 1 - 3 months
- Amount available: 1.500€ per month (to cover accommodation and living expenses).
- The University does not fund the travel costs.
- The University does not provide insurance for visitors.
What the University of Barcelona demands:
- Eligible countries: All (All Latin American countries are eligible).
- Academic Offer
- Eligible period: the academic year 2025/2026 (from 15/09/2025 to 15/07/2026). The dates of the stay will be agreed with the supervisor at the University of Barcelona.
Eligibility Criteria: Requirements for the applicants:
- To be a national of and currently resident in a Latin American eligible country. Candidates already living and/or studying in Europe will not be considered.
- To hold a university degree or equivalent.
- To be linked as a professor or researcher to a Latin American University (from the eligible countries) recognised as such by the authorities of the country.
- To use the Coimbra Group Office electronic application process. Only one application per candidate will be accepted.
- To submit online an Acceptance Letter from the tutor/partner with whom the work programme will be undertaken in the host institution. This document is mandatory.
- To be born on or after 01-01-1985.
- Applicants who could benefit from the scholarship for the first time will be prioritised.
- The research project proposal should be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda and the expected results lead to further academic actions between home and host institutions.
- Applicants (preferably doctoral students, postdoctoral or junior researchers) should establish contact with a supervising professor at the university, according to the academic offer, in order to obtain the invitation letter.
- The Office of Mobility and International Programmes cannot issue invitation letters for research purposes.
- For additional information, the programme contact person is Ms. Marta Arias (marta.arias@ub.edu).
Application Procedure:
Online application form: https://www.coimbra-group.eu/scholarships/latin-america-la/ (pay attention to the Important information for applicants section). Applicants must fill in the on-line application form before the deadline. Applications can be submitted both in English or Spanish.
Short Stay Scholarship Programme for Young Researchers from Neighbouring Countries
The main aim of this scholarship programme is to enable scholars to undertake research in which they are engaged in their home institution and to help them to establish academic and research contacts. The scholarships are financially supported by the Coimbra Group member universities participating in this programme, while the Coimbra Group Office is in charge of the administrative management of the applications.
What the University of Barcelona offers:
- Number of Grants: 1
- Duration period: 1 - 3 months
- Amount available: 1.500€ per month (to cover accommodation and living expenses).
- The University does not fund the travel costs.
- The University does not provide insurance for visitors.
What the University of Barcelona demands:
- Eligible countries:All (Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Russia, Serbia, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan)
- Academic Offer
- Eligible period: the academic year 2025/2026 (from 15/09/2025 to 15-07-2026). The dates of the stay will be agreed with the supervisor at the University of Barcelona.
Eligibility Criteria: Applicants should be:
- Be born on or after 01-01-1990.
- Be nationals of and current residents in one of the above-listed countries.
- Be current staff members of a university or an equivalent higher education institution in one of the above-listed countries.
- Be preferably of postdoctoral or equivalent status.
- Be in possession of an acceptance letter/email from the tutor/supervisor with whom the work programme will be undertaken in the host institution. This document is mandatory.
- Use the Coimbra Group Office electronic application process.
- Submit all information in English only.
- Apply for one university only. Multiple applications will not be considered valid.
- Applicants who could benefit from the scholarship for the first time will be prioritised.
- The research project proposal should be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda and the expected results lead to further academic actions between home and host institutions.
- Applicants (preferably doctoral students, postdoctoral or junior researchers) should establish contact with a supervising professor at the university, according to the academic offer, in order to obtain the invitation letter.
- The Office of Mobility and International Programmes cannot issue invitation letters for research purposes.
- For additional information, the programme contact person is Ms. Marta Arias (marta.arias@ub.edu).
Application Procedure:
Online application form: https://www.coimbra-group.eu/scholarships/european-neighbourhood/ (pay attention to the Important information for applicants section). Applicants must fill in the on-line application form before the deadline. Applications should be submitted in English.