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Joan Mata Alvarez
  • Orcid 0000-0002-4570-7152
  • Categoria Contractat
  • Departament Departament d'Enginyeria Química i Química Analítica
  • Facultat Facultat de Química

Participacions a Congressos de Joan Mata Alvarez (473)

S'han trobat 473 resultats

Llabrés, P.; Mata, J. (1988)

Factores que afectan la digestión anaerobia seca

Jornadas sobre Aprovechamiento de Biomasa
Barcelona, ESP
Mata, J. (1988)

Les bioreacteurs

Jornadas del programa COMETT
Nimes, FRA
Clapés, P.; Mata, J.; Valencia, G.; García, J.; Reig, F. (1988)

Study of the kinetically controlled synthesis of Z-kyotorphin amide with ?-chymothrypsin as catalyst

2nd Spanish Conference on Biotechnology
pp: 411, D.L.:
Barcelona, ESP
Mata, J. (1988)

La colaboración Universidad-empresa dentro del programa COMETT

Jornadas del programa COMETT
Barcelona, ESP
Torres, R.; Mata, J. (1988)

Leachate recirculation flow rate effects on a two phase digestion process

5th International Sympossium on Anaerobic Digestion
N: 2.8.4, pp: 803-807
Bolonia, ITA
Martínez, A.; Mata, J.; Cecchi, F.; Traverso, P.G. (1988)

Description of a two-phase fermentation system for the anaerobic digestion of municipal organic wastes

5th International Sympossium on Anaerobic Digestion
N: 2.8.5, pp: 809-812, D.L.:
Bolonia, ITA
Esplugas, S.; Gutiérrez, J.; Vicente, M.; Mata, J.; Cerdá, J. (1988)

Simultaneous search for the optimal design and operating scheme of multipurpose batch plants

Sidney, AUS
Martínez, A.; Mata, J. (1987)

Evaluation of a dry fermentation system for the treatment of fruit and vegetable wastes

4th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Enginnering
N: 3.4.25, pp: 790-791, D.L.:
Barcelona, ESP
Torres, R.; Mata, J. (1987)

Two-phase anaerobic digestion of a mixture of cow manure and bedding straw

4th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Enginnering
N: 3.4.24, pp: 788-789
Barcelona, ESP
Mata, J.; Galve, E. (1987)

Domestic wastewater anaerobic treatment in fluidized bed reactor

4th European Congress on Biotechnology
Amsterdam, NLD
Clapés, P.; Valencia, G.; Reig, F.; García, J.M.; Mata, J. (1987)

Optimization study of factors influencing the enzymatic synthesis of the dipeptide Tyr-Arg

4th European Congress on Biotechnology
Amsterdam, NLD
Mata, J.; Costa, J. (1987)

A dynamic simulation model for the sludge reduction by anaerobic digestion

2nd IAWPRC Symposium on Forest Industry Wastewaters
Tampere, FIN
Cecchi, F.; Traverso, P.G.; Clancy, J.; Mata, J.; Zaror, C. (1986)

M.S.W.: Guidelines for Research: from the harvesting procedure to the anaerobic process

Workshop Biomasse per Energia
Castelgandolfo, ITA
Clapés, P.; Mata, J.; Valencia, G.; Reig, F.; García, J.M. (1986)

Síntesis enzimática de la kiotorfina

XXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad de Química
N: 3-009-O, pp: 49, D.L.:
Santiago de C., ESP
Llabrés, P.; Mata, J. (1986)

Efecto de la temperatura sobre la digestión anaerobia de mezclas de residuos

XXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad de Química
N: 3-015-C, pp: 61, D.L.:
Santiago de C., ESP
Llabrés, P.; Mata, J. (1986)

Un modelo cinético para la hidrólisis en un sistema de biometanización en dos fases

XXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad de Química
N: 3-018-O, pp: 53, D.L.:
Santiago de C., ESP
Mata, J.; Torres, R. (1986)

A study of a two phase digestion process

EWPCA Conference on Anaerobic Waste Water Treatment
N: 142, pp: 676-679
Amsterdam, NLD
Martínez, A.; Mata, J. (1986)

An examination of different supports for an hybrid digester

EWPCA Conference on Anaerobic Waste Water Treatment
N: 119, pp: 740-743, D.L.:
Amsterdam, NLD
Llabrés, P.; Mata, J. (1986)

Effect of temperature on the hydrolysis of wheat straw.

EWPCA Conference on Anaerobic Waste Water Treatment
N: 119, pp: 616-620, D.L.:
Amsterdam, NLD
Clapés, P.; Mata, J.; Valencia, G.; García, J.M.; Reig, F. (1986)

Síntesis de Tyr-Arg mediante proteasas

I Reunión Nacional de Biotecnología
N: 10.13, pp: 285, D.L.:
León, ESP