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Narcis Prat Fornells
  • Orcid 0000-0002-1550-1305
  • Categoria Contractat
  • Departament Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals
  • Facultat Facultat de Biologia

Publicacions en revistes de Narcis Prat Fornells (196)

S'han trobat 196 resultats

Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Bogan, M.T.; Lytle, D.A.; Prat, N. (2016)

Are Chironomidae (Diptera) good indicators of water scarcity? Dryland streams as a case study.

Ecological Indicators
71, pp. 155 - 162
Rodríguez-Lozano, P.; Rieradevall, M.; Prat, N. (2016)

Top predator absence enhances leaf breakdown in an intermittent stream

Science of the Total Environment
572, pp. 1123 - 1131
Ladrera, R.; Gomà, J.; Prat, N. (2016)

Regional distribution and temporal changes in density and biomass of Didymosphenia geminata in two Mediterranean river basins

Aquatic Invasions
11 , 4, pp. 355 - 367
Sala, M.; Faria, M.; Sarasúa, I.; Barata, C.; Bonada, M.; Brucet, S.; Llenas, L.; Ponsá, S.; Prat, N.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Cañedo-Arguelles. M. (2016)

Chloride and sulphate toxicity to Hydropsyche exocellata (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae): Exploring intraspecific variation and sub-lethal endpoints

Science of the Total Environment
566-567, pp. 1032 - 1041
Rodríguez-Lozano P.; Verkaik, I.; Maceda-Veiga, A.; Monroy, M.; de Sostoa, A.; Rieradevall, M.; Prat, N. (2016)

A trait-based approach reveals the feeding selectivity of a small endangered Mediterranean fish

Ecology and Evolution
6 , 10, pp. 3299 - 3310
Gallart, F.; Llorens, P.; Latron, J.; Cid, N.; Rieradevall, M.; Prat, N. (2016)

Validating alternative methodologies to estimate the regime of temporary rivers when flow data are unavailable

Science of the Total Environment
565, pp. 1001 - 1010
Colin, N.; Maceda-Veiga, A.; Flor Arnau, N.; Mora, J.; Fortuño, P.; Vieira, C.; Prat, N.; Cambra, J.; Sostoa, A. de (2016)

Ecological impact and recovery of a Mediterranean river after receiving the effluent from a textile dyeing industry.

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
132, pp. 295 - 303
Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Hawkins, C. P.; Kefford, B. J.; Schäfer, R. B.; Dyack, B. J.; Brucet, S.; Buchwalter, D.; Dunlop, J.;Frör, O.; Lazorchak, J.; Coring, E.; Fernandez, H. R.; Goodfellow, W.; Achem, A. L. González; Hatfield-Dodds, S.; Karimov, B. K.; Me (2016)

Saving freshwater from salts

351 , 6276, pp. 914 - 916
Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Sala, M.; Peixoto, G.; Prat, N.; Faria, M.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Barata, C.; Kefford, B. (2016)

Can salinity trigger cascade effects on streams? A mesocosm approach

Science of the Total Environment
540, pp. 178 - 190
Rodríguez-Lozano, P.; Rieradevall, M.; Rau, M.A.; Prat, N. (2015)

Long-term consequences of a wildfire for leaf-litter breakdown in a Mediterranean stream

Freshwater Science
34 , 4, pp. 1482 - 1493
Cid, N.; Fortuño, P.; Rodríguez-Lozano, P.; Bonada, N.; Vinyoles, D.; Rieradevall, M.; Martínez, R.; Gallart, F.; Latron, J.; Llorens, P.; Prat, N. (2015)

Rius temporals

Cingles. Butlletí informatiu del Parc Natural dels Ports.
5, pp. 11 - 14
Prat, N. (2015)

Ramón Margalef (1919-2004). Una obra ingente no totalmente bien conocida

24, pp. 97 - 103
Cid, N.; Verkaik, I.; García-Roger, E.M.; Rieradevall, M.; Bonada, N.; Sánchez-Montoya, M.M.; Gómez, R.; Suárez, M.L.; Vidal-Abarca, M.R.; Demartini, D.; Buffagni, A.; Erba, S.; Karaouzas, I.; Skoulikidis, N.; Prat, N. (2016)

A biological tool to assess flow connectivity in reference temporary streams from the Mediterranean Basin

Science of the Total Environment
540, pp. 178 - 190
Prat, N.; González-Trujillo, J.D.; Ospina-Torres, R. (2014)

Clave para la determinación de exuvias pupales de los quironómidos (Diptera: Chironomidae) de ríos altoandinos tropicales

Revista de Biologia Tropical
62 , 4, pp. 1385 - 1406
Reyjol, Y.; Argillier, C.; Bonne, W.; Borja, A.; Buijse, A.D.; Cardoso, A.C.; Daufresne, M.; Kernan, M.; , Ferreira, M.T.; Poikane, S.; Prat, N.; Solheim, A.L.; Stroffek, S.; Usseglio-Polatera, P.; Villeneuve, B.; van de Bund, W. (2014)

Assessing the ecological status in the context of the European Water Framework Directive: Where do we go now?

Science of the Total Environment
497-498, pp. 332 - 344
Ladrera, R.; Prat, N. (2013)

Changes in macroinvertebrate community and biotic indices associated with streamflow regulation and wastewater inputs in Sierra Cebollera Natural Park (La Rioja, Northern Spain)

32 , 2, pp. 353 - 372
Ríos-Touma, B.; Acosta, R.; Prat, N. (2014)

The Andean Biotic Index (ABI): revised tolerance to pollution values for macroinvertebrate families and index performance evaluation.

Revista de Biologia Tropical
62, pp. 249 - 273
Prat, N.; Munné, A. (2014)

Biomonitoreo de la calidad del agua en los ríos ibéricos: lecciones aprendidas

33 , 1, pp. 47 - 64
Múrria, C.; Morante, M.; Rieradevall, M.; Ribera, C.; Prat, N. (2014)

Genetic diversity and species richness patterns in Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) in the Montseny Mountain range (North-East Iberian Peninsula)

33 , 2, pp. 313 - 326
Lozano, Puri; Verkaik, I.; Rieradevall i Sant, Maria; Prat i Fornells, Narcís (2015)

Small but powerful: Top predator local extinction affects ecosystem structure and

function in an intermittent stream.

PLoS One
10 , 2, pp. 1 - 16