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Miquel Salgot De Marçay
  • Orcid 0000-0003-4925-3386
  • Categoria Contractat
  • Departament Departament de Biologia, Sanitat i Medi Ambient
  • Facultat Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l'Alimentació

Participacions a Congressos de Miquel Salgot De Marçay (305)

S'han trobat 305 resultats

Díaz, A.; Salgot, M. (2021)

Tools for the economic evaluation of wastewater reclamation and reuse

9th iinternational conference on water resources in the Mediterranean basin WATMED 9
Marrakech, MAR
Sepúlveda-Ruiz, P.; Folch, M.; Salgot, M. (2021)

Tendencies on reclaimed water use for potable purposes

9th international conference on water resources in the Mediterranean basin
Marrakech, MAR
Salgot, M (2021)
9th International conference on water resources in the Mediterranean basin - WATMED 9
Marrakech, MAR
Díaz, A.; Noguera, B.; Salgot, M. (2020)

Fiscalidad Ambiental y Sostenibilidad

I International on-line conference on Regional Science. Citires and regions in times of COVID-19
Madrid, ESP
Díaz, A.; Noguera, B.; salgot, M. (2020)

Agua y territorio: la importancia de la reutilización

I international on-line conference on Regional Science. Cities and regions in time of COVID-19
Madrid, ESP
Salgot, M. (2015)

Transferència de resultats

II Jornada d'Immersió estratègica i innovació
Barcelona, ESP
Salgot, M. (2016)

Water cultures

WWAC 2016. 4th IWA International Symposium on Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilisations
Coimbra, PRT
Salgot, M. (2016)

Cooperació UB Universitats marroquines

Workshop UB-Universités Maroc
Marrakech, MAR
Salgot, M. (2019)
2nd International Conference on Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
Barcelona, ESP
Salgot, M. (2019)

The farmer's point of view

International Symposium on the use of nonconevntional waters to achieve food security
Madrid, ESP
Díaz, A.; Salgot, M. (2019)

El turismo como motor de desarrollo local: los municipios termales

International Conference on Regional Science: Tackling with societal, technologial and climate changes in peripheral territories
Castelló, ESP
Díaz, A.; Noguera, B.; Salgot, M. (2019)

Turismo y cambio climático: una relación bilateral

International Conference on Regional Science: Tackling with societal, technological and climate changes in peripheral territories
Castelló, ESP
Salgot, M. (2019)

Circular economy solutions/innovations in water and energy management for the agri-food chains

Technical Expert Meeting on Mitigation: Off-grid and decentralized energy solutions for smart energy and water use in the agri-food chain
Bonn, DEU
Salgot, M. (2019)

The nexus water quality / treatment for agricultural reuse

Agricultural water reuse - how to address health and environmental challenges
Montpeller, FRA
Salgot, M. (2019)

Old infrastructures

Dead Sea, JOR
Salgot, M.; Soler, M.A. (2019)

Old water infrastructures in the Amadori river basin

5th IWA International Symposium on Water, Wastewater and Environment in Ancient Civilizations: Traditions and Cultures
Dead Sea, JOR
Salgot, M.; Folch, M.; Díaz-Cruz, S.; Barceló, D.; Fernández-Alba, A.; Bueno, M.J.; García, G.; Soler, A.C. (2019)

Risks of pollution and its assessment in wastewater irrigated agricultural systems (ROUSSEAU)

Overcoming water stress by water reclamation and reuse. 12th IWA Intenrational conference on water reclamation and reuse
Berlin, DEU
Salgot, M.; Folch, M. (2019)

Golf courses irrigation with reclaimed water: a risk approach

IWA WAter reuse 2019; 12th IWA international conference on water reclamation and reuse: Overcoming water stress by water reclamation and reuse
Berlin, DEU
Salgot, M.; Folch, M. (2019)

Reutilització d'aigües residuals en la pràctica: anàlisi de risc, recerca i prospectiva

III Fòrum d'innovació del sector de l'aigua
Barcelona, ESP
Díaz-Cruz, S.; Barceló, D.; Salgot, M.; Folch, M.; Fernández-Alba, A.R.; Bueno, M.J.; Carrera, J.; Valhondo, C.; García, G.; Serra, M.P.; Soler, A.C. (2018)

Emerging risks of chemical and microbiological contamination in the reuse of wastewater for agricultural irrigation: integrated study

LImassol, CYP