
News section, which is updated regularly and shows relevant new events from the lab

A new paper by Nadia Paraskevoudi and Iria SanMiguel published in Scientific Reports

The paper entitled Self-generation and sound intensity interactively modulate perceptual bias, but not perceptual sensitivity, by Paraskevoudi Nadia and SanMiguel Iria, has been published in the journal Scientific Reports. This paper is the outcome of a scientific study of the research line Predictive processes in Motor-Sensory interactions of the Brainlab that focuses on mechanisms underlying […]

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Comienza un nuevo experimento

Música electrónica y bailabilidad ¿Hasta qué punto ciertos elementos musicales hacen que una pieza sea más o menos bailable? Mediante este piloto online, queremos dar respuesta a esta pregunta utilizando música electrónica. Este piloto es parte del proyecto interdisciplinar “ARTSOUNDSCAPES – explorando los paisajes sonoros del arte rupestre y lo sagrado”.   ¿Qué tengo que […]

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A new collaborative paper of the Brainlab on the newborn frequency-following response

The paper entitled Frequency-following response acquisition parameters with speech stimulus in infants: A systematic review, by, Lemos, Nunes, Evangelista, Escera, Taveira, Balen, been published in the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. This paper is the outcome of a scientific collaboration between the Brainlab and the Prof. Sheila Andreoli Balen (Federal University of Rio […]

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Comienza un nuevo experimento

Perceptual and emotional responses to rock art soundscapes Call for participants! This auditory experiment aims to link the perception of natural sounds and the emotions evoked by these with properties of the (natural) space where these are located. This is a psychoacoustics experiment of the interdisciplinary project “ARTSOUNDSCAPES – exploring rock art soundscapes and the […]

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A new paper by Arenillas-Alcón and colleagues published in Scientific Reports

The paper entitled Neural encoding of voice pitch and formant structure at birth as revealed by frequency-following responses, by,  Arenillas-Alcón, S., Costa-Faidella, J., Ribas-Prats, T., Gómez-Roig, M.D., and Escera, C. has been published in the journal Scientific Reports. This paper is the second published outcome of the scientific collaboration between the Brainlab and the Obstetrics and […]

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Comienza un nuevo experimento

Experimento de memoria con registro de EEG y EyeTracking ¡Necesitamos participantes para un experimento! Nuestro objetivo es estudiar la memoria para estímulos auditivos bajo ciertas condiciones. Te pediremos que realices una tarea de memoria auditiva mientras registramos la dilatación de tu pupila con un EyeTracker y tu actividad cerebral con un electroencefalograma (EEG). El experimento […]

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