  • Bioethics Commission of University of Barcelona
  • CBUB Technical Office
    C/Baldiri i Reixac 2
    2nd floor, Room 230
    08028 Barcelona
  • Tel. ext 35 463 
  • cbub@ub.edu
  • Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research


The Bioethics Commission of the University of Barcelona (CBUB) has the purpose of evaluating the research projects and activities of UB researchers that may require it, to discuss and analyze the ethical problems raised by scientific research, and to promote training in bioethics and integrity in the investigation of doctorate investigators and researchers in training. The favorable report of the ethics committee of the center where the project is to be carried out is a legally established requirement (Law 14/2007) to initiate any research on human beings, with biological samples of human origin and personal data.

The CBUB was created in 1996 in response to the real need to evaluate research projects managed by internal UB units and carried out by UB research staff. The CBUB advises researchers and evaluates projects to ensure that they meet the ethical standards set out in documents such as the Nuremberg Code, the Geneva Declaration, the Declaration of Helsinki, the Belmont Report and the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, among others. These requirements include the principle of beneficence; the principle of respect for the autonomy of individuals when giving consent to participate in research; the principle of justice; the maxim that the welfare of the research subject must prevail over all other interests; and the protection of non-autonomous individuals and vulnerable populations.

Through this website, the Commission aims to establish a dialogue between the research carried out at the university and society, and to give more visibility to the UB's resources related to research activities, such as the processing of personal data or education and training in ethics and integrity in research.

In 2002, the Commission created the Network of Ethics Committees in Public Universities and Public Research Centers in Spain, with the aim of sharing problems, homogenizing procedures and generating good practices in research. This network, which combines a virtual platform with periodic face to face meetings, has become a reference at the European level as a tool for promoting integrity in research in other universities and research centers.


Institutional Review Board IRB 00003099