Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Chiara Panizza

Department of Philosophy, University of Barcelona
Chiara Panizza



Department of Philosophy, University of Barcelona
Montalegre, 6-8, 4th floor (room 4038)
08001 Barcelona, Spain

I got my PhD in Analytic Philosophy from the University of Barcelona in January 2017.

I am currently employed by the University of Barcelona as the Project Manager of the Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy (BIAP), through the María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence grant CEX2021-001169-M (funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).

Before joining BIAP, I was the Project Manager of the following research projects:

2016 – 2019: 4-year European project H2020 ETN Diaphora (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015-675415)

2010 – 2015: 5-year Spanish project Consolider-Ingenio PERSP (CSD2009-000569)

2010 – 2013: 4-year European project FP7 ITN PETAF (EC-GA 238128)