Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

A model for the dynamics in semantics

    Hernán Miguel (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

29 January 2014  |  15:00  |  Seminari de Filosofia UB


In the present work I present a mathematical model, and its computational simulation counterpart, based on a particular differential stochastic equation, to study the interaction between and incoming message and its interpreter. The particular stochastic dynamics used to understand such process is written using a delayed Langevin equation with white noise. A version of this model was published in Fuentes and Miguel (2013), Self-generated dynamic landscape: The message–receiver interaction case (Physica A 392, 2492-2497, Elsewier). This analysis can be generalized and applied to other fields beyond semantics in a framework that can be named “self generated dynamic landscapes”.

The transmission of some information and its effects on who receives it have been addressed under the assumption that information comes from an emitter which is responsible for encoding it and tries to communicate something. However, we take a broader notion of information such that it is a mark, symbol, text or sound that may come either from an intentional transmiter or from a non intentional substrate that has been taken as a source of information by the interpreter. The information in the communication process does not work deterministically: the delivered message is not always decoded or interpreted in the same way by different receivers, and also does not produce the same results when the same information is acquired by the same receiver at different times. These features lead us to consider the non-deterministic aspect in the interaction between information and receiver, and its consequences for future interactions.