Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Ilia Patronnikov

University of Barcelona




Universitat de Barcelona
Departament de Filosofia
C/ Montalegre, 6-8, 4th floor. Office 4090
08001 – Barcelona

Curriculum Vitae

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I am a PhD student at the LOGOS research group, and I am based at the University of Barcelona. Before joining LOGOS in 2020, I received my BA in philosophy at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (2013) and my MA at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain at the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin (2020). My master thesis is entitled Concept Empiricism, Systematicity of Thought, and Context-dependency of Mental Representations: Can Concept Empiricism Explain Systematicity of Thought? and was supervised by Prof. Dr. Michael Pauen and Dr. Dimitri Coelho Mollo. I examined the question of whether a particular theory of concepts, concept empiricism, can account for systematicity of thought. I argued that the answer is no and that, for this reason, this theory can’t be a general theory of concepts.

My current research is focused on implicit bias. I am interested in the metaphysics of implicit attitudes (what kind of states implicit attitudes are) and in their epistemology (what kind of access, if any, one has to such attitudes). These two issues are interconnected, since one’s account of the nature of implicit attitudes is likely to have consequences for one’s view about access to them, and the other way around.

My supervisors are Josefa Toribio and Manolo Martínez. My work is funded by the project Philosophy of Social Cognition (PID2021-124100NB-I00).