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Staff directory

Garcia-Garin, Odei

Garcia-Garin, Odei

Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT) 
Group Web
Personal Web
Postdoctoral researcher focused on the study of the abundance and distribution of marine litter and its impact on marine vertebrates.
Garcia-Porta, Joan

Garcia-Porta, Joan

Evolutionary Genomics & Bioinformatics (EGB) Research Group
Group Web
Personal Web
I am an evolutionary biologist interested in understanding the ecological processes that produce and modulate phenotypic and species diversity. I study these processes in four general realms: (1) the evolution in insular systems, (2) the causes of global radiations, (3) the adaptation to climate and climate change and (4) the evolutionary consequences of innovations. I approach my research from a broad perspective, working at the interface between molecular phylogenetics, functional morphology, GIS analyses and statistical modeling.

Garnatje Roca Mº Teresa

Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB) 
Gazo Perez, Manel

Gazo Perez, Manel

Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT)
Phone: +34 934039808
Personal Web
Biological and ecological studies of large marine vertebrates (Chondrichthyes, chelonian, cetacean and pinniped) focused on management and conservation of populations.
Gómez Bolea, Antonio

Gómez Bolea, Antonio

Paleogeoecologia i Riscos Naturals (PaleoRisk) 
Phone: 934039869
Group Web
Personal Web
Taxonomy and ecology of Lichens and Micromycetes, and their applications as bio-indicators. Biodeterioration of stone monuments applied to the protection of cultural heritage.
Gómez Garreta, Amelia

Gómez Garreta, Amelia

2017SGR1116 Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB)
Phone: 934024490
Personal Web
Marine phycology (macroalgae). Florisitic and phytosociological studies of population or phytobenthic communities of the Mediterranean. Biosystematic studies of different taxonomic groups focused on the implementation of the 'Flora Iberica Phycologica. Crops in germination chambers of early stage development of germ cells to give birth. Cytogenetic studies on the quantification of nuclear DNA from  marine macroalgae.

Gómez Gras, Daniel

Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemes marins (MedRecover) 
Group Web
Personal Web
González Delgado, Sara

González Delgado, Sara

Marine Biodiversity and Evolution 
Group Web
Personal Web
Postdoctoral researcher in the field of molecular marine ecology, specialized in the study of population genomics in marine invertebrates
González Dunford, Raquel

González Dunford, Raquel

Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB)
Phone: 934024490
Group Web
Study of ethnobotany and plant biodiversity grown on the island of Ibiza (Balearic Islands, Spain)
Gonzalez Pineda, Mariona

Gonzalez Pineda, Mariona

Marine Biodiversity and Evolution (MBE)
Personal Web
Mariona Gonzalez Pineda is an environmental scientist and has completed a master's degree in Oceanography and Marine Management. She has always been interested in the human impact on aquatic systems and its effect on the ecosystem. Currently, she focuses her study on the microplastics present in Antarctica's benthic invertebrates.
González-Solís Bou, Jacob

González-Solís Bou, Jacob

Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT) 
Phone: 934034802
Group Web
Personal Web
Evolutionary biology, behavior and conservation. Seabirds as study model. Analysis of stable isotopes, ecophysiology, pollution, microbiology, molecular genetics, use of remote monitoring devices animal movement, telemetry and geographical information systems.
Gori, Andrea

Gori, Andrea

Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemes marins (MedRecover) 
Group Web
My research focuses on the study of the diversity, ecology, ecophysiology and conservation of mesophotic and deep vulnerable marine ecosystems dominated by corals and gorgonians, to provide understanding for the sustainable management and conservation of marine ecosystems. This research is developed following a multidisciplinary approach combining fieldwork, experimental studies, and a highly diversified collection of laboratory analyses. In this sense, my research includes the study of taxonomy, spatial distribution pattern of species, the state of their populations (demography), energetic condition (lipid content), reproductive and trophic biology (stable isotopes and fatty acids composition), and metabolic processes (calcification, respiration, excretion rates). Combining sampling by scuba diving and the use of underwater technology (underwater towed cameras, remotely operated vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, manned submersible), coral and gorgonians species are studied over extensive areas and depth ranges covering their entire spatial distribution, as the best way to achieve a comprehensive understanding of their ecology and the variability of their responses to environmental features and human induced stressors.
Gras Mas, Airy

Gras Mas, Airy

Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB) 
Personal Web
PhD in biology specializing in ethnobotany. My research focuses on the inventory and conservation of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity with the aim of preserving this heritage and forming the basis for future research to obtain new medicines, food and other products related to human well-being. Currently, as part of the Margarita Salas grant, I am doing a postdoctoral fellowship at Emory University (Atlanta, USA), in order to train in phytochemistry and microbiology and thus associate the medicinal uses of the plants mentioned in the ethnobotany in the Catalan language with its active compounds and test its activity.
Guardia Rubies, Roser

Guardia Rubies, Roser

Centre de Documentació de Biodievrsitat Vegetal
Phone: 934037019
Group Web
Personal Web
Guirao Rico, Sara

Guirao Rico, Sara

Molecular Evolutionary Genetics 
Phone: 934035304
Group Web
Our main research interests are understanding the mechanisms underlying molecular adaptation. We combine theoretical, analytical and experimental approaches, some of them developed in our group, to determine the relative role of the principal evolutionary forces in driving species diversification and in promoting genetic innovations. For that, we analyze both DNA sequence data generated in our lab (NGS data) and genomic data retrieved from databases, always within the framework of comparative and population genomics / transcriptomics. An important part of our work is focused on the origin and evolution of multigene families involved in the chemosensory system of invertebrates. We also actively develop and / or maintain software for the analysis of genetic and genomic variation in different contexts.
Hayes, Lucas

Hayes, Lucas

Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemes marins (MedRecover) 
Group Web
He works on the long-term monitoring of marine biodiversity in the protected areas of Catalonia, carrying out field sampling, data analysis and writing technical reports.
Hereu Fina, Bernat

Hereu Fina, Bernat

Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemes marins (MedRecover) 
Phone: 934021463
Group Web
Personal Web
Ecology of marine benthic communities from the perspective of conservation. Monitoring study of communities and populations of algae, macroinvertebrates and fish, studying the movement of fish and marine reserves as a tool for conservation and management.
Hernández Matías, Antonio

Hernández Matías, Antonio

Ecologia, comportament i conservació de la biodiversitat (ECOCONS) 
Phone: 934035857
Group Web
Personal Web
Lecturer in the Zoology and Biological Anthropology Section of the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences. His research activity focuses on conservation biology of vertebrates and addresses aspects of population biology, trophic ecology and movement ecology among others using interdisciplinary approaches

Ibáñez Cortina, Neus

Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB) 
Illa Bachs, Estela

Illa Bachs, Estela

FORESTREAM. Research Group on Forest and Stream Ecological Links: Watershed Management and Restoration
Phone: 934021476
Group Web
Personal Web
Izquierdo Arànega, Guillem

Izquierdo Arànega, Guillem

Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT) 
Group Web
PhD student focused on the study of the evolutionary history of pelagic birds of the genus Calonectris and the evolution of migratory behavior in this species complex
Jené Vinuesa, Laia

Jené Vinuesa, Laia

Antioxidants en Agrobiotecnologia _ ANTIOX – Ecophys 
Group Web
Personal Web
Predoctoral student in the field of plant physiology. My research is based on the study of holoparasitic plants and their physiological mechanisms to succes in parasitism, at the same time as the consequences they have on the host.
Jorba Peiró, Maria Montserrat

Jorba Peiró, Maria Montserrat

FORESTREAM. Research Group on Forest and Stream Ecological Links: Watershed Management and Restoration
Phone: 934021462
Group Web
Restoration of mining spaces and other degraded spaces. Biodiversity management.
Jordi Torres, Olga

Jordi Torres, Olga

Ecologia, comportament i conservació de la biodiversitat (ECOCONS) 
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